
The location in Salzgitter offers ideal conditions for the hydrogen economy. At the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter, nine partners from the city, the region, politics, business and science are working together to achieve the goal of promoting sustainable-ecological hydrogen technologies and reducing CO2 emissions in the economy. 

Allianz für die Region GmbH

Allianz für die Region GmbH is the regional alliance of 21 partners with equal rights and further partners from business, science, politics, administration, business associations and trade unions. Together, the stakeholders are pursuing the goal of developing the region into an economically strong home of the future with a high quality of life for more than 1.1 million people. 

The networking of specialist capabilities forms the foundation of this work. In collaboration with numerous partners, Allianz für die Region develops and implements projects and programs in clearly defined fields of action: securing and attracting skilled workers, shaping mobility, marketing the region, promoting business and supporting relocation. 

Furthermore, Allianz für die Region, together with the Braunschweig Office for Regional Development in the Projektbüro SüdOstNiedersachsen (Project Office for South-East Lower Saxony), supports regional stakeholders in, amongst other matters, the acquisition of funding from the state, the federal government and the EU.

Amt für regionale Landesentwicklung Braunschweig

From the very beginning, the Braunschweig Office for Regional Development (ArL) has supported the regional partners from industry, municipalities and science in the establishment of the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter. 

In addition to active participation in the various working bodies in the course of founding the campus, the ArL is supporting the process with funds from the Strukturhilfe (structural assistance) provided by the State of Lower Saxony to the City of Salzgitter amounting to at least 7 million euros, and is also acting as the interface to the state government. 

These funds are being used to organize the overall process and to support individual implementation projects. 

Furthermore, the ArL is involved in the networking of diverse regional hydrogen projects in order to create synergies and regional value chains. In this respect, the office works in cooperation with Allianz für die Region in the Projektbüro SüdOstNiedersachsen. 

The Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter has already established itself as a pioneering lighthouse project for regional development in the State of Lower Saxony.

Fraunhofer-Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST

The Fraunhofer IST is guiding the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter from a scientific perspective. The IST stands for layer and surface technology with competences for its associated products and product systems. The range of services by the institute includes the development of materials and processes for electrolyzers, hydrogen storage and fuel cells, as well as the planning of the entire value chain from its production to storage and distribution to its use.

Ingenieurbüro Zammit GmbH

1991 marked the beginning of our company’s success story: Since our founding, we have stood as a team for select engineering services, always precisely tailored to the needs of our customers.

The result is impressive: As an engineering company, we enjoy a great reputation across all industries as a capable and competent partner for all questions concerning small and large projects.

The secret behind our success is the strong collaboration with our customers. We provide reliable support for all problems and questions, consistently deliver absolute quality work with our teams worldwide, and are there as a trusted contact for all concerns – no matter how big the challenge that awaits us.

We support municipalities, industrial companies, real estate utilities in the planning and design of individual energy solutions. IB Zammit combines extensive competencies from the various areas of planning, consulting, energy management and Facility Management.

Tackling projects and bringing them to a successful conclusion – you’ve come to the right place. Contact us and let us advise you, we will be happy to support you in your project!

MAN Energy Solutions

MAN Energy Solutions is paving the way towards a climate-neutral global economy. Whether industrial production or the energy and maritime industries: We think holistically and are already tackling the challenges of tomorrow – for sustainable value creation for our customers. We thereby recognize great potential in power-to-X technology, with the help of which green hydrogen can be produced and converted into climate-neutral fuels such as synthetic natural gas (SNG). Power-to-X and green hydrogen therefore form an important hinge for the sector coupling of energy, transport, and heat. MAN Energy Solutions became a pioneer of power-to-X technology in Germany as long ago as 2013, and today we cover all process steps of the hydrogen economy under one roof: from electrolysis, through the production of hydrogen-based fuels, and on to storage, transport and utilization. Amongst other things, we offer turnkey power-to-X facilities with a capacity of 50 MW and more.

Peine district

The Peine district was created as part of the Prussian district reform of 1885. At that time, the Peine district from the former Bishopric of Hildesheim and the old Gografschaft Edemissen, which had previously been part of the dissolved Lüneburg district of Meinersen, were merged to form a new administrative unit, dissolving an ancient border.

The district had 30,000 inhabitants when it was founded; today there are around 108,000 more.

The district only took on its current form in the 1970s, apart from a few minor changes in 1935 and 1941. In 1972 it was expanded to include the then municipalities of Barbecke, Broistedt and Woltwiesche (formerly the Wolfenbüttel district), and in 1974 the large municipalities of Wendeburg and Vechelde (formerly the Braunschweig district), among others. On the other hand, the communities of Hämelerwald, Dedenhausen and Eltze were added to the district of Hanover and the community of Ohof to the district of Gifhorn, giving the district its ideal, almost triangular layout from a functional point of view.

The district of Peine is divided into the seven large communities of Hohenhameln, Edemissen, Ilsede, Lengede, the city of Peine, Vechelde and Wendeburg.

Robert Bosch Elektronik GmbH

As the lead plant for engine control units, our production in Salzgitter utilizes state-of-the-art technology and also coordinates the global production of control units within the Bosch Group. Bosch Salzgitter fulfills five functions that are as versatile and as well interlinked with one another as our 1400 employees: manufacturing, lead plant, competence center, prototype construction, and warranty analysis. Furthermore, we are proud to be a partner of the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter and to have already realized parts of the campus on our own premises. With our sub-project “Factory Transformation”, we are addressing a matter which is close to our hearts. After all: Bosch had already achieved global CO2 neutrality by 2020, but is still searching for solutions to make CO2 neutrality even more effective. At the Salzgitter plant, we will therefore develop a type of blueprint for the transformation of a medium-sized factory towards CO2 neutrality, including the installation of Bosch solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC).

Salzgitter AG

Salzgitter AG is a German group with a long tradition. As a result of sustained internal and external growth, the Group has developed into one of Europe’s leading steel and technology groups – with external sales of around € 9 billion and more than 25,000 employees. The company’s overriding objective will continue to be independence through profitability and growth. 

The Salzgitter Group is comprised of almost 160 national and international subsidiaries and associated companies and is divided into the business units of Flachstahl (flat steel), Plate/Section, Mannesmann, Trading, and Technology. 

Around 8,000 employees work at the Group’s headquarters in Salzgitter. Operating companies at this location include Salzgitter Flachstahl, Salzgitter Bauelemente (construction elements), Salzgitter Europlatinen (formed plates), Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung (research), as well as VPS Verkehrsbetriebe Peine Salzgitter (rail-transport undertaking), TELCAT and DEUMU.

Production covers a wide range of high-quality special and branded steels for an ever-increasing number of new fields of application. Important customer sectors include, for example, the automotive industry, the household-appliance industry, and plant and mechanical engineering.

The City of Salzgitter

The City of Salzgitter is implementing the goals politically formulated by the City Council and Lord Mayor Frank Klingebiel for the promotion of the economy at the location. As the third largest industrial location in Lower Saxony, our city is set to become a pioneer in hydrogen technology in the region and also throughout Europe as a result of the Wasserstoff Campus. This in turn should provide a major impetus for the economic strengthening and sustainable development of Salzgitter as a location for industry and innovation. 

As a subsidiary of the City, Wirtschafts- und Innovationsförderung Salzgitter GmbH is the main contact for entrepreneurs in Salzgitter and an important partner in the acquisition of funding possibilities.

TLK-Thermo GmbH

TLK-Thermo GmbH is an engineering service provider and software developer for thermal systems based in Braunschweig. Our approx. 80 employees support the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter with their thermodynamic expertise, combined with many years of experience in the fields of simulation, measurement and software development.

In the context of hydrogen, we deal with the development and optimization of components and systems along the entire value chain: From the production of hydrogen using electrolysis, hydrogen conditioning and storage in cryogenic or compressed gas systems and distribution at hydrogen refueling stations to the use of hydrogen as industrial/chemical feedstock or as an energy carrier, e.g. for fuel cell systems. The focus is not only on pure hydrogen, but also on CO2 capture processes and the production of synthesis gases using various Power-to-X processes.

At the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter, we are dedicated to the topic of liquid hydrogen. Together with the Institute of Thermodynamics at TU Braunschweig, we are building a hydrogen liquefier to provide small quantities of cryogenic hydrogen for experimental studies.

VDI Braunschweiger Bezirksverein e.V.

With almost 3000 engineers is the VDI Braunschweiger Bezirksverein e.V. the largest technical and scientific association in the region Braunschweig. The district association extends from Gifhorn via Wolfenbüttel and Salzgitter to the Harz mountains, from Peine via Wolfsburg to Helmstedt.

The district association was founded in 1883 and has a lively history. Outstanding personalities from research, business and administration have shaped it with their commitment and contributed to the reputation of the engineering profession.

VDI members and interested parties will find a wide range of opportunities to exchange experiences, impart knowledge and make professional and personal contacts locally in the Braunschweig district association. The VDI members living and working in the district play an active role in shaping the work of the VDI Braunschweig.

WEVG Salzgitter GmbH & Co. KG

WEVG Salzgitter GmbH & Co. KG is the energy and water supplier for Salzgitter. The two shareholders of WEVG, Avacon AG and the City of Salzgitter, combine their expertise in the field of energy supply with local regionality. One of the fundamental tasks of WEVG as a local energy service provider within the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter will be to support the further development of the necessary infrastructure in order for the electricity to be transported to the electrolysis plants and the resulting green hydrogen to be transported to potential consumers, as well as for the heat generated during the conversion process to be used meaningfully. The networking and bundling of science and research with industry in Salzgitter, together with the goals of the City of Salzgitter, is a huge gain from WEVGs point of view – everyone is pulling in the same direction here and has the same goal: the creation of the Wasserstoff Campus Salzgitter and, consequently, the advancement of hydrogen research and utilization.